maandag 3 maart 2008

Alcohol licences

Met uitzondering van de Tax-Free Shop bij aankomst op de luchthaven van Dubai en Abu Dhabi kan je hier geen alcoholische dranken kopen in de winkels. Alleen hotels met een drank vergunning mogen alcoholische dranken schenken. Voor privé gebruik is het kopen van alcohol in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten is alleen mogelijk als je in het bezit bent van een Alcohol licence. Onderstaand een overzicht van de regelgeving en wat er zoal bij een aanvraag benodigt is:
The UAE, as a Muslim country, implements Sharia law which prohibits the purchase and consumption of alcohol.

However, the UAE authorities are aware that drinking alcohol is popular among non-Muslims, so for that reason the UAE sets rules for purchasing and drinking alcohol.

In hotels in all emirates except Sharjah - where the sale, consumption or possession of alcohol is prohibited - alcohol is offered to customers. Some embassies also offer alcohol for sale to their nationals.

Similarly, in all emirates except Sharjah, alcohol can be purchased from licensed retailers by non-Muslims who obtain a "liquor permit" from the emirate that issued the residence visa.

Liquor permits are issued by the police departments in all emirates to non-Muslims ages 21 and over who fulfil the minimum salary requirements.
The permit or licence, valid for a year, allows the holder to buy a certain amount of alcohol per month. Purchases from retailers that do not have official approval are illegal.

Only the husband in a married couple can apply for a licence, but his wife can use the licence if her details are included in the application form.

In Dubai, licences can be applied for at police headquarters or any branch of retailers MMI or A&E, which sell alcohol. Bring along the completed application form - forms can be obtained from MMI or A&E branches - along with the Dh150 fee and the documents indicated in the table. If a husband wants his wife to be able to use the licence, a passport-size photograph of her must also be included.

After about 10 days, subject to approval, the licence will be issued. The amount of alcohol it permits the holder to buy will be determined by Dubai Police according to factors such as salary level, age and family size.

If the residence visa expires before the licence does, the licence must be renewed by submitting it along with another completed application form and a photocopy of the new residence visa. At most alcohol retailers in Dubai, a municipality tax is levied on each sale.

Individuals, free zone employees, semi-government employees, self employed individuals, Green Book holders and Smart Card holders will need:
• Passport copy
• Residence visa copy
• Tenancy contract copy (or NOC letter from leaseholder)
• Labour contract copy (only required from Smart Card holders who
    have changed sponsorship)
• Trade licence copy
• One recent passport size photograph
• Free zone authority stamp on application form
• Salary Certificate

Key points to keep in mind

Non-Muslims who possess a valid liquor permit can transport alcohol from one emirate to another emirate but the quantity should be for personal use only.

If caught transporting a large quantity, the alcohol and vehicle will be seized and the person or persons will face punishment as per law.

Consuming alcohol is not allowed in unlicensed public places. Drunkenness in public is also an offence.

Those caught drunk or drinking in public may be punished as per Sharia law which implements lashes, but the judge can replace lashing with other punishments such as a jail term, fine or deportation.

There is a zero tolerance policy towards drinking and driving.

A strict regulation to remember is that Muslims are not allowed to buy or consume alcohol in the UAE, and people are banned from offering or selling alcohol to Muslims.

That means that all the rules that describe the processes allowing people to purchase and consume alcohol apply only to non-Muslims.

It is important that non-Muslims are considerate and ensure that their decision to buy or consume alcohol legally does not cause offence to Muslims.

Bronvermelding: Gulf News, 11/15/2007

Traffic Fines

Op 1 maart j.l. is er een nieuwe verkeerswetgeving in werking getreden. Deze wetgeving is niet alleen van toepassing in Dubai maar geldt voor alle zeven Emiraten. Men hoopt door hogere boetjes, zwarte punten systeem en inbeslagname van het voertuig het rijgedrag, het aantal verkeersovertredingen- en ongelukken naar beneden te brengen.

Merkwaardig is echter dat je naast "in Presence", in aanwezigheid van...., óók bekeurd kan worden "in Absentia", in afwezigheid van.... Om niet voor verrasingen komen te staan zullen we regelmatig de website van de politie moeten raadplegen of we in de tussentijd geen bekeuring hebben gekregen.

2 maart, een dag nadat de nieuwe wetgeving van kracht is heeft men in Dubai reeds 2300 overtredeningen geconstateerd, 700 boetes zijn inmiddels uitgedeeld in Bur Dubai en 1600 in Deira.

In het kort een aantal voorbeelden:
Black Points
Snelheid > 60 km/h
Snelheid tot 50 km/h
Snelheid tot 40 km/h
Snelheid tot 30 km/h
Snelheid tot 20 km/h
Snelheid tot 10 km/h
Snelheid < 10 km/h
Door rood licht rijden
Vluchtstrook rijden
Geen veiligheidsriem
Geen richting geven

De website van de Dubai Police is nog niet geupdated, een actueel overzicht van de boetes staat vermeld op de volgende link: Violations, fines and black points