maandag 3 november 2008

Radar policy

Abu Dhabi Police are to install 40 new radars within two weeks along the Al Mafraq-Ghweifat highway, a senior official told Gulf News.

The new radars are expected to reduce speeding and accidents due to it along the highway, he said.

Though 120 km/hr is the speed limit on the highways in general, radars flash motorists only after they cross 160 km/hr.

"The maximum speed limit will continue to be 160km/hr in areas where there are no ongoing constructions."

En nu het tegenovergestelde van Abu Dhabi:

New speed limit for motorists on Al Ain-Dubai Road:

Al Ain: People driving on an under-construction portion of Al Ain-Dubai Road have been warned to adhere to the new speed limit after it was reduced to 80km/h from the previous 160km/h.

Lieutenant Colonel Mohammad Khalifa Al Khaili, Head of Al Ain Traffic Police and Patrols Section, said the radars on the road have been reprogrammed and will catch a vehicle moving at or beyond the speed of 101km/h.

En wat gebeurt er in Dubai? Hier worden we overspoelt (lees 500 stuks) met allerhande nieuwe soorten geavanceerde en vrijwel ontzichtbare radar systemen:
En in het eerste kwartaal van volgend jaar komen er nog eens 50 Digitale Video Radars erbij. Ach de verwachting is zodra de temperaturen weer omhoog gaan dit "speeltje" alweer snel in de kast verdwijnt.