donderdag 10 april 2008

Dragon boat festival

Afgelopen week, 4 april zijn we naar het Dragon Boat Festival geweest. Het is de eerste keer dat het festival in Dubai wordt gehouden. Ruim 50 deelnemers hebben aan dit evenement meegedaan.

Dragon Boating is a thrilling water sport, full of adrenaline, sportsmanship, strategy and technique.

A typical dragon boat consists of 20 paddlers, a steerer and a drummer. To paddle well and to win, a good crew train for months to gel, perfect technique, fitness and timing.

Dragon Boating has 2,500 years of history, originating from China, the sport has become an annual event in many Dragon Boating countries including Hong Kong, Germany, Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, South Africa, USA, UK and many more.

A dragonboat wich measures approxmetely 10 meter, will have ornately carved and painted "dragon heads" and "tails", carrying 18-22 paddlers.
More information: Dragon boats

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